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Should I Have a Roof Inspection?

Since you probably don’t gaze up at your roof every day, it can be easy to lose track of maintenance up there. Most homeowners don’t think twice about the roof unless there was a really nasty storm.

Should You Think About Getting a Roof Inspection Before Fall?

But the truth is, you should inspect your roof on a pretty regular basis to prevent potential problems and minimize your expenses. We recommend having your roof inspected once or twice per year at minimum.

Now that the new year has arrived, this is the perfect time to cross a roof inspection off of your home care to-do list. If you have been wondering to yourself “should I have a roof inspection?,” then the answer is probably yes! Here are our recommendations for why and when you should have a roof inspection from our expert roofing team at American Custom Contractors.

Why You Should Have a Roof Inspection

Having a professional roof inspection might seem unnecessary if you assume there is nothing wrong with your roof. But there are many problems that can’t be detected from the ground or with an untrained eye. Here are some reasons to go ahead and have a roof inspection:

  • They prevent costly repairs.

The earlier you catch minor roof damage, the less expensive it will be to fix it. Save yourself money and headache with a preventative roof inspection once or twice per year.

  • They provide peace of mind.

If you have any nagging doubts about damage on your roof, a professional inspection is the only way to really put them to rest. It is impossible to be certain about the safety of your roof without professional expertise.

  • They are usually inexpensive or free.

While major roof repairs or total roof replacement can be very expensive, a quick inspection is not.

  • They help you navigate insurance claims.

If you have a roof inspection after a major storm, a licensed professional roofer will be a huge help with your insurance process. Many homeowners struggle with uncertainty about how to file a claim for damage or what their insurance will cover. Having a trustworthy professional on hand to help guide you through the process is invaluable.

When You Should Have a Roof Inspection

  • Spring

The mild temperatures during spring offer the perfect opportunity to inspect your roof for any winter damage. Extreme cold and moisture can impact the structure of your roof. If a trained roofer catches any potential problems early, you can avoid spending extra money on massive repairs later in the year.

  • Fall

If you have your roof inspected after the extreme cold in winter, it stands to reason that you would have it inspected after the extreme heat in summer too. The sun can melt and erode shingles causing cracks and breakage. If you have your roof inspected twice per year, you can ensure it won’t have to weather a rough season without necessary repairs.

  • After a Storm

If harsh winds and precipitation just blew through your neighborhood, you should be diligent about having your roof inspected quickly. Storms can easily curl, break, or tear off your shingles and allow moisture to creep under your roof. Call a professional roofing company to examine the damage as soon as it is safe.

  • Before Selling

If you are planning to put your house on the market, it is in your best interest to make sure your roof is in the best possible shape. Your roof has a major impact on the value of your home. If you have small repairs done before your home inspection, you can ensure your home will pass and you can stand firmer in your asking price.

Wondering “Should I Have a Roof Inspection?” Call American Custom Contractors!

If you suspect your roof could have some minor damage or wear and tear, don’t delay an inspection. Call American Custom Contractors and let our kind and trustworthy team of professionals put your mind at ease.

Do you need a roof inspection for your Maryland, Virginia, or Washington D.C. home? Our team of roofing experts at American Custom Contractors can help. Give us a call at (301) 327-2013.

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