Just a few of our Giving Back highlights -
At American Custom Contractors, our commitment to community engagement goes beyond construction excellence. We take immense pride in our dedication to giving back, and it forms an integral part of our corporate philosophy. As a socially responsible company, we firmly believe in making a positive impact on the community that continues to support us.
At every opportunity, we strive to implement initiatives that address the unique needs of our community. Whether it’s supporting local charities, sponsoring community events, or actively participating in outreach programs, we prioritize projects that foster a sense of unity and uplift the lives of those in need. We understand that a thriving community is built on the foundation of collective efforts, and by giving back, we aim to inspire positive change and sustainable growth.
Rebuilding Together MOCo Partnership
Mr. W., the sole occupant of his Gaithersburg residence, faces the challenge of living without nearby family support due to his isolated circumstances. Struggling with disabilities and limited income, he is unable to engage in employment. For a span of nine years before seeking assistance from RTMC, Mr. W. endured a home life devoid of a functional kitchen, lacking running water and basic appliances, relying solely on a microwave and a mini-fridge. The root cause of this predicament was extensive water damage on the first floor resulting from a leaky roof.
With the interior of his residence revamped by RTMC, Mr. W.’s living conditions improved significantly, but the roof was still not fixed, and with the threat of all RTMC’s work being for not, we at American Custom Contactors were able to step in and give this homeowner the security of a new roof.
We started with the replacement of deteriorating decking and several areas of rotting wood, then moving on to laying the water barrier and finally brand new GAF shingles.
This endeavor was made possible through the generous in-kind donation of roof shingles from GAF-Roofing and support from SRS Distribution Roofing & Building Materials for all the accessories. The collaboration successfully restored Mr. W.’s home, transforming it from a stripped-down structure to a habitable space once again.

Little Free Libraries Project
Embarking on our “Little Free Libraries” project, our dedicated Production Team invested considerable effort into creating four meticulously crafted and beautifully painted libraries. These charming structures are now ready to find new homes, and we are actively seeking passionate stewards of reading who would appreciate having one grace their property.
Each of these libraries is not only a testament to our team’s craftsmanship but also a beacon of literary delight waiting to enhance the reading experience for the community. If you share our enthusiasm for promoting literacy and would like to be a part of this initiative, we invite you to express your interest. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at 301.417.1000, and together, let’s make these literary treasures a welcome addition to your surroundings.

Join the Effort - Nutritious Meals To Ukrainian Families!

Working through World Central Kitchen, American Custom Contractors met their goal of raising $2,500, back in 2022. With our matching contribution, we doubled our giving back contribution to $5,000 to hungry families in need.
But they still need more help. You can continue to make contributions through our team link and help spread the word.
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The WCK Relief Kitchen is located in Przemyśl—a Polish city just several miles from the border with Ukraine that is still receiving tens of thousands of refugees every day. From this kitchen, our team has the capacity to scale up and cook 100,000 meals per day utilizing 12 massive WCK paella pans and 12 large ovens.